Oh this is an extraordinary nursery! We just stared and stared… and stared at all the lovely photos the incredibly creative Joneses have put together for their baby boy Dominic. It’s one of those rare occurrences – the kind we love experiencing – when one of our cribs finds itself not only a source of inspiration, but also in a nursery that is beyond perfect for its design and style.
So it is that the évolur Parker finds itself in this white, navy, grey and orange wonderland that looks like a Bridget Riley painting come to vibrant and sparkling life.
The central piece in this nursery is the Parker crib and the beautiful, hand-painted wall that the Joneses painted themselves as it’s backdrop. Over the crib is spelled Dominic’s name in a semi-formal font. A Parker tall chest and a changing station occupy the spaces to the right and left. The adjacent wall features a window and the opposite wall houses a glider.
The theme and décor of this room are what make it truly a work of art. The color scheme is a perfectly balanced white, navy, grey and orange for a bit of ‘pop’.
Animal decals and plain color areas (grey glider, navy-white area rug) are offset by geometric patterns of the furnishings – broad-striped curtains, lock-square patterned baby mattress and clean blocks of color in the form of little storage bins that fit snugly in the changing station.
A little whimsy in the form of a plush tiger by the window adds interest. Other accessories include wall shelves with books, a night lamp and a few toys and knick-knacks. And tying all of the room together is the navy-white area rug.
Tijana Jones says her little lad was extremely active during her pregnancy – he’s the Joneses’ third born – and even a bad virus attack could not keep him from being rather vigorous. Well, now, in his marvellously cheerful, happy nursery, we are pretty sure he’s being a real handful.
Good luck mom and dad. Good luck little Dominic. Lots of love from évolur.
Featured in this article: évolur’s Parker Collection
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