We never cease to be amazed at the extraordinary creativity and love with which our évolur Moms and Dads design their nurseries. This week’s coverage features Baby Gatsby Alexandria’s évolur Aurora nursery in Ivory Lace. But before we dive into the nursery itself, we feel some explanation for the title is owed:

The long title of this post would read thus:
“In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.”

This is a quote from the famous F Scott Fitzgerald’s novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ where the narrator describes a party in Jay Gatsby’s home. The description is vivid and poetic and conjures up visions of bright lights and gaiety. As does little Gatsby Alexandria’s nursery. A more poetic vision in pinks and greys, we have not yet seen. Incidentally, this books happens to be a favorite of Baby Gatsby’s proud momma Magaly.

Baby Gatsby’s nursery features a semi-dark, cool grey that acts as a beautiful, soft backdrop for the furniture in this room. The wall-to-wall carpet in a burnished grey adds weight to the room. The ivory of the crib and dresser are particularly flattered by these walls and carpet that act as foils.

The crib rests towards a corner and adjacent to a wall with a large, shuttered window that filters light, suffusing the nursery with a soft glow in the daylight hours. A glider rests by this window. The dresser with a changing pad is placed opposite to the crib.

This room is filled with delightful accessories in warm shades of pink and/or ivory. A couple of cool grey and ivory soft toys tossed casually around serve as highlights. Accessories include a beautiful ‘Gatsby’ monogram in pink over the crib. The rest of the wall accessories consist of pink or ivory-framed photos and sayings.  The carved frames as well as a corner wall-shelf that houses a few books match Aurora’s traditional, ribbon and bow moldings perfectly.

Next week, we walk you through Magaly’s creative process while planning and putting together this nursery and a more detailed description of what she used and why and how. Until then…

All photographs courtesy Magaly Yanez and Kristy Romero

Kristy’s website: http://www.inspirationsphotography.com/ (@inspirationsbykristy on Instagram)
The frames pictured are from Etsy shop: Upcycledfairies
The sayings/prints are from Etsy shop: YellowSunshineArt (@YellowSunshineArt on Instagram)
Gatsby’s name over the crib is from Etsy shop: LesBellesMonogram
The 3 prints over the dresser are from Studio Q Gallery (current shop through Amazon)

Featured in this article: évolur’s Aurora Collection
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