“TA-DA!” again folks! As is custom, in our Part 2 of the 3-part nursery feature of Baby Lily Grace’s Julienne nursery, here is mom Stacey Cohen talking to us about the nursery and what inspired it and what she means to do with it in the future.

What was your inspiration for the nursery design and décor?
Pink! Just kidding- well, not really.  I wanted this to be a room fit for a little princess. I had gotten some inspiration off of Pinterest, like I’m sure we all have at some point but honestly it all just kind of came together for me. I would go to HomeGoods a lot and find pieces that worked together.  From the beginning I knew I wanted to do a pink, white and gold theme and I just added on a little bit more from there- I found her flowers and decorations above her crib then everything else fell into place!

What drew you to évolur over other nursery brands?
I didn’t want a baby crib, I know that sounds so silly but I wanted her to have a little princess crib and a beautiful crib that she could grow into and évolur had that! The headboard is what sold me instantaneously!

Did the room pose any design challenges?
No, not at all- I love putting colors and designs together and I’m such a girly girl that I knew this would be no issue at all!

Did you and your spouse agree on style, or did you blend styles and how?
Surprisingly, yes. We actually agreed. Usually we have some style differences but we both agreed pink was the way to go and

we loved the gray crib, dresser, and accent pieces and everything else really made the room pop.

What does this color scheme mean to you?
I just thought that pink, white, and gold would be so cute together and it turned out better than I could have dreamed.

What accessories did you choose and why?
Above her bed she has hand crafted paper flowers from Etsy which I LOVE and the flower letters are also from ETSY, the signs on the wall all are from Hobby Lobby and the 3 bookshelves are from Amazon.  It was really important to make sure she had a library (there are at least 30 more books in her closet that don’t fit on the shelves).  Every sign in her room has some sort of meaning about being special, being loved, and just being our everything!

What is your favorite piece or design element in the nursery?
My favorite piece in the entire nursery is her elephant balloon tree which is above the changing table.  We had a wedding tree (guestbook signature) for our wedding so it was important that our daughter had one too.

We had everyone sign it at her gender reveal party and then again at my baby shower.  I adore it and it’s from Peachwik.com

Have you thought of how you will use the nursery pieces down the road and can you tell us?
Yes, absolutely!  I adore the headboard in her crib, I think that when it’s time to convert her crib it will make the most beautiful bed and yes I have already bought her bedding- I couldn’t resist I saw it and it was too cute!  Right now her bedding is princess hippo’s from Pottery Barn Kids with a mobile of princess swans from Buy Buy Baby and I found princess swans at HomeGoods- too cute!  All of the pieces in her room are not “baby” pieces and aren’t things that need to be removed, taken off the wall to make that transition to when she will continue to grow.

What one word comes to mind when you step into the nursery?
Princess-Chic (Ok, I hyphenated, so I cheated) ?

Well, that’s ok by us Stacey! ?

All photographs courtesy Stacey Cohen

Featured in this article: évolur’s Julienne Collection
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