A few weeks ago, you were celebrating your baby shower and waiting for your little munchkin’s arrival, and today, you’re hunting for answers to “how to shower with baby”? Funny how life changes within a few days after a baby is born. Bathing your baby is not just an important[...]
How To Shower With A Baby? Safety Tips & More
11 mins read
Spending more time trying to put your baby to sleep rather than seeing them actually sleeping? You’re not alone! If you want to know how to put a baby to sleep fast, you are in the right place. This article will help you find some tried and tested methods about[...]
Cactus Baby Nursery – Cactus Themed Baby Room
12 mins read
Want to set up a cactus baby nursery and looking for the most unique cactus nursery ideas without spending too much? Let us walk you through some of the best cactus-inspired nursery decor ideas that will help you set up your cactus theme baby room easily – even if you[...]
Pre & Post Natal Yoga – Simple Guide
12 mins read
If you’re pregnant or have recently delivered your baby, pre and postnatal yoga can help your body in several ways. Browse through our simple yet detailed guide on antenatal and postpartum yoga poses to find the recommended ones for you. You will also find some essential safety tips and our[...]
Breastfeeding – a topic that is surprisingly controversial even today. But a basic right & necessity of mothers and babies all around the globe. It’s a journey so unique, and so individualistic, that its beauty is rarely lost on the world. Mothers are tough; they are silent, they are resilient[...]
Parenting. It’s a journey that truly starts from the moment one thinks of wanting a family. It’s full-filling, it’s tricky, it’s messy, it’s painful, it’s heart-warming, it’s unequivocally unmatched in its love. As a brand that stands for all things babyhood, The D.O.M. Family’s Evolur wanted to open up conversations[...]
Motherhood is unique. Unique to every woman, unique to every child, unique by the sheer force of nature. At The D.O.M. Family, we take immense pride in the fact that we’re made up of industry experts for industry experts… a.k.a. parents! But it’s not lost on us that at the[...]
A Starry Night – Evolur @ The Golden Globes 2020
2 mins read
What a way to welcome 2020! We kick started the New Year in the best way possible – by being part of the Pre-Red Carpet Style Lounge at The Golden Globes 2020. And, quite expectedly, a glamorous, star-studded event it turned out to be! After months of planning and conceptualizing,[...]
We, at the DOM Family, have always looked at giving back to our community as an integral part of our value system. Over the years, we have partnered with many organizations that are passionate about making a difference including Jersey Cares, Red, White and Babies, GOOD+ Foundation, and Operation Shower[...]