Continued from Part 1: Edward Express! Q & A with Christina Olechnowski – Part 2 In this part, Christina talks about the other aspects of her baby boy’s nursery – the accessories she picked and why and how she sees this nursery further down the road. What accessories did you choose[...]
Edward Express! (Part 2 of 2)
3 mins readEdward Express! (Part 1 of 2)
4 mins read
Every now and then, we like to mix things up a bit. Not too long ago, one of our lovely évolur moms came back to us when we reached out to her with a few pictures of her baby son Edward Benjamin’s nursery and we were hooked. Now, we’ve covered[...]
Baby Skyrah Avalise's évolur Windsor Curved-Top Nursery.
Sugar and spice and all things nice…
2 mins read
Melissa Caporino's rainbow baby Isabella's evolur Aurora nursery.
Baby Emily Rose’s Aurora (Part 3 of 3)
1 min read
Our last installment of Baby Emily Rose’s elegant Aurora nursery has, apart from the standard gallery, a little bonus. Lovely mom Amanda Da Silva has very kindly shared the various sources from where she picked up the charming accessories that adorn little Emily’s nursery. Here’s the list: Chandelier: Amazon Doll[...]
Baby Emily Rose’s Aurora (Part 2 of 3)
3 mins read
Today, it’s time to hear from Amanda Da Silva about Baby Emily’s Aurora nursery. And here she is: What was your inspiration for the nursery design and décor? I wanted to design a nursery for baby Emily that was shabby chic, feminine and delicate. What drew you to évolur over[...]
Baby Emily Rose’s Aurora (Part 1 of 3)
3 mins read
This week, we are back with a shabby chic Aurora nursery that’s actually so very chic and not at all shabby. Really. 🙂 Baby Emily’s Aurora nursery is all soft colored prettiness. Everything in this nursery (and mom Amanda Da Silva) was kind enough to send us a list of[...]
Amy Davidson's baby boy's Mia Moda Marisa stroller
Sweet Dreams are made of this… (Part 3 of 3)
1 min read
Here’s our third and final installment of Naz Helm’s bay daughter Eloise Wesley’s évolur Fairbanks nursery. We hope you have enjoyed this feature and we’ll be back soon enough with more news and updates and of course with a whole lot of lovely nurseries for you to see and enjoy[...]