Butterflies and Ballerinas, Silver Stars and Bird Songs – These are certainly some of OUR favorite things. And it would seem, new mom Vanesa Salazar’s as well. Says Vanesa – “Caressa – it’s our first baby and she was so welcome, we waited 17 years to have a baby.” Everything[...]
Ok. So we won’t say “TA-DA!” again. Instead, we will leave you with an excerpt from our Q&A session with mom from mom Stacey Cohen. “This is our first baby. Her name is Lily Grace! I have always adored the name Lily for years now and my grandfather who recently[...]
“TA-DA!” again folks! As is custom, in our Part 2 of the 3-part nursery feature of Baby Lily Grace’s Julienne nursery, here is mom Stacey Cohen talking to us about the nursery and what inspired it and what she means to do with it in the future. What was your[...]
Think warm sunshine, the smell of freshly cut grass and colorful little flowers bobbing their bright heads in a gentle breeze. Well, hello springtime! And that pretty much sums up Baby Lily Grace’s pretty évolur Julienne nursery. We can’t help thinking how fortuitous, how appropriate it is for us to[...]
And here is a gallery of Baby Emma Rose’s Aurora Princess Nursery. All credit, of course, to mom Michelle Gill. Thank you Michelle, for this incredible visual treat! Credits: All photographs courtesy Michelle Gill On Instagram: Instegill, #emmarose Featured in this article: évolur’s Aurora Collection Buy Online: @Amazon.com | @BuyBuy Baby | @Houzz | @Walmart |[...]
In part 2 of our coverage of Baby Emma Rose’s Aurora Princess Nursery, we talk to, as usual, the proud mom – Michelle Gill. But before we dive into our Q&A, a little insight into how Baby ‘Emmy”s nursery came about… “Before our pregnancy we were running around after our[...]
Just when we thought that we had covered everything style and theme possible with our Aurora Princess Nursery Collections, along comes another one to make us sit up with popping eyes and dropping jaws. But we suspect mom Michelle Gill was going for that! ? “We had trouble having our[...]
The 2nd and final part of Lisa Nicole’s baby girl Mackenzie’s nursery coverage features a small interview. As always! What was your inspiration for the nursery design and décor? My husband and I knew we really wanted to have a neutral tone to the room. Grey was our starter color[...]
Some weeks ago, we posted a snapshot of Californian graphic designer Lisa Nicole‘s baby daughter Mackenzie’s nursery. We reached out to the proud mamma and she was kind enough to share more pictures of this elegant nursery she put together for her daughter featuring the Windsor Curved Top crib. The base[...]