Butterflies and Ballerinas, Silver Stars and Bird Songs – These are certainly some of OUR favorite things. And it would seem, new mom Vanesa Salazar’s as well.

Says Vanesa – “Caressa – it’s our first baby and she was so welcome, we waited 17 years to have a baby.”

Everything in this room had to be perfect for this longed-for, beautiful baby. And it is!

This is yet another Aurora Nursery in Akoya Grey and again, it’s a completely unexpected spin on our princess nursery themes. While there is no overt opulence, the nursery still exudes an aura of quite luxury. The walls are a cool grey, the furnishing is warm pink, white and ivory.

The nursery is not overly large and the Aurora crib with it’s case goods takes center-stage. Upon entering the room, to the left is an alcove-like space harboring a closet, the crib is placed against a slightly forward-built wall and further down, in a mirror alcove-like space is the nightstand and glider against a small window that let’s light to filter in during the day. Further ahead is the Aurora armoire. The double dresser is placed on the opposite wall from the crib beneath a silver mirror framed with silver butterflies and surrounded by white paper butterflies.

Behind the crib is a lovely wall decal of birds and trees – an echo of a cool, birch forest – it’s white wood shining. Baby Caressa’s bedding is satiny pink and beige with a pink and grey baby mobile hung from the side rails. The rest of the wall art includes 2 ballerina pictures – an elephant and an owl with a mother swan wall hanging between the two over the armoire. Accessories include stuffed animal toys including a ballerina doll and a pretty pink-shaded lamp on the nightstand by the glider. A shag ottoman in ivory and a beige and pink area rug on the dark flooring completes the look. And adding a touch of sparkle to it all is the little silver basket by the dresser with Caressa’s toys in it.

In our next post, we get to see a little bit of Mom Vanesa’s creative thinking. See you then!

All photographs courtesy Vanesa Salazar

Featured in this article: évolur’s Aurora Collection
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